Section 1. Administration and Management

 1.1.  Sanctioning


Northern Illinois Soccer League (NISL) is a sanctioned league in good standing of US Club Soccer, a National Association member of the United States Soccer Federation ("U.S.S.F").


               1.2.  Governance


All NISL competitions are governed by the NISL League Office. The League Office shall rule on all disputes and issues pertaining to NISL competitions. The League Office, in its sole discretion, may temporarily override rules as set forth in this document or the NISL Competition Rules if it is determined to be, with regards to the dispute or issue raised, and upon balancing all potentially competing interests, in the collective best interests of the constituencies involved. Those would include, but not be limited to, the NISL players, coaches and clubs; referees and spectators; and NISL itself including its staff and administrators, and, more broadly, for the good of the game.


NISL reserves the right to modify these rules from time to time, as it sees fit. Rule modifications or changes may be made by NISL or via a membership vote, but it is not required for a membership vote to be had to enact rule modifications or changes.


                 1.3.  Club Definitions


In order for a soccer club ("Club") to be considered a member of NISL, each of the following must be true:

  •  All teams participating for a given Club in NISL must belong to a single legal entity;

  •  All teams participating for a given Club in NISL must report to a Technical Director, Director of Coaching or Executive Director, or similar roles, of such Club; and

  •  All players participating in NISL for a given Club in NISL events must be registered under a single US Club Soccer ID number.

 1.4.  New Members


NISL is open to new Clubs that meet the following specified criteria that may be modified from time to time. Such criteria include, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • A minimum of four (4) teams from a new Club must be entered in both the Fall & Spring NISL seasons.

  • A new Club must have a Professional (paid) Director of Coaching ("DOC") or soccer coach in a similar role.

  • Coaching staff with appropriate U.S.S.F. or other federation coaching licenses; and

  • Field permits and/or, written agreements for the use of fields for home soccer matches.

  • In certain cases, NISL may solicit input from current members.

1.5.  Club Pass


A Club may utilize the "Club Pass" (CP), the ability for players within a Club to participate on teams in which they are not "Primary" (P), under the following conditions:

  • There are no "CP" restrictions for 8U-10U age groups.

  • For 11U-19U age groups, players that are "P" on a team roster may not play down (CP) two or more levels, at the same age of their primary team. For example:

o   A Platinum player may not participate as a CP at the Bronze level or lower.

o   A Bronze player may not participate as a CP at the Blue level or lower.

o   An NPL Prem 1 player may not participate at the Gold level or lower.

o   An NPL Prem 2 player may not participate at the Silver level or lower.


Playing up an age group is always permitted without restriction.


For avoidance of doubt, consider the following examples:

  •  A 12U NISL Platinum player is ineligible to play on a 12U NISL Bronze team. However, the same player would be eligible to play on a l 3U NISL Bronze team.

  •  A 13U NPL Prem 1 player is eligible to play on a 14U Gold roster.

Each US Club Soccer player pass/registration may be used for any team within the Club within the restrictions above. Player development should be at the fore of all decisions. 

A player that plays down two levels is considered "ineligible". See Section 4.7 for discipline information.


                     1.6.  League Formation


All NISL playing levels, with the exception of the NISL National Premier League (''NPL"), are "self-select" with oversight from the NISL Technical Advisory Panel ("TAP"). NISL playing levels may be modified at any time by the League Office.


                      1.7.  League Standings


Official standings of teams, the keeping of which is the responsibility of the League Office, are tabulated on a regular basis and published on the NISL website.


    1.8.  Age Group Exceptions


1.8.1  Play Up Requests 

NISL has the final authority to accept or deny a team's request to "play up" an age group. Teams are not permitted to play up two or more age groups.


1.8.2  15U Exception for NISL Fall League 

During the NISL Fall League season only, it is permitted for 15U players to be rostered on 14U teams to provide an opportunity for those 15U 8th grade players "trapped" by the Illinois State High School League season with the following guidance:

  As club entries allow, l 5U brackets will be formed within divisions.

  Teams with rosters where 15U players account for 9 or more players on their Fall roster should be identified as 15U teams

        Team drop fines as outlined in Section 4.3 will apply should a registered team not manifest.


Section 2. Scheduling & Communication


2.1.  Required Club Contacts


Each Club must have a GotSport account. Such account must be kept up to date with the proper contact information. Please keep in mind that this is the primary method by which NISL communicates with your Club. Failing to have the proper contact information may result in your Club missing vital league communication.  Each Club shall maintain the following Club contacts: 

  • DOC;

  • President;

  • Club Administrator and/or Registrar; and

  •  Referee Assignor.


2.2.  Communication Policy


Communication between teams is vitally important for all NISL leagues. Each Club team must have at least two (2) different contacts listed on the applicable GotSport page and must ensure that both contacts have an email and cell phone number listed. Team contacts must respond to communications within 48 hours unless the communications states that a faster response is required. Listing the wrong email or phone number will not be a valid excuse for not responding to communications.


2.3.  Scheduling Matches


2.3.1.     NISL Club & Conference


      Prior to the start of the season, we will post initial schedules and open the self-scheduling in GotSport.  We will send you a contact sheet for the other teams in your division. Your club admin or team manager will have two weeks to contact the other clubs in your division to set up game dates and times that work for both the Home & Away teams.  You will then update your home games in GotSport.  Please be prepared with all your possible tournament and vacation dates for the duration of the season to minimize the need for rescheduling. 


2.3.2.     NISL National Premier League (NPL)


The NPL schedule spans:


 Fall NPL Season:

  Boys 12U-15U age groups, September through November.

 NPL Finals qualification Spring NPL season

   Girls 12U-19U age groups, September through November.

 NPL Finals qualification, Girls 15U-19U


          Spring NPL Season:

   Boys 12U-19U age groups, March through June.

 NPL Finals Qualification Boys 13U-19U.

    Girls 12U-14U age groups, March through June.

 NPL Finals qualification Girls 13U & 14U. 


2.4.  Rescheduling Games

  • To reschedule a game, your club and the opposing team must agree on the change. 

  • Once a new date/time has been agreed by both teams, a game rescheduling form must be filled out to update the league on the new change and for it to be made in the live schedule.  

  • Click the following link for the game reschedule form: Game reschedule form

Opponents are not obligated to accept reschedules on the day of the game due to cancellations other than those that are acts of God.

Teams are reminded that NISL represents Club competition. The following is a list of common excuses teams cite for wanting to reschedule matches. We recommend the following solutions to frequently posted problems.


       Too many players missing (sick, testing, etc.) - Remember that any player from your Club is available to participate with your team as long as they are of the correct age. In league matches please use other players (while always keeping player development at the forefront of all decision making) within your Club to fill out your roster.


       Missing Coach - Any coach with a valid pass for your Club is able to coach any team in that Club. If your coach has several commitments, then it is recommended that teams have an assistant coach or another coach from the Club available to cover games.


       No Fields Available - It is expected and required that if your team is playing in NISL, you have access to quality fields.


      Tournaments/other games - NISL understands that teams will possibly play in a tournament during the league season. Please plan your schedule well in advance so your schedule does not become so full that you are unable to fulfill your league commitment.


2.5.  Weather-Affected Matches


In the event of a forced reschedule (e.g., weather), it is the home team's responsibility to reschedule the match. Both teams must agree on a new date/time/location of the reschedule. The reschedule is not confirmed until the NISL Office processes the reschedule.


2.6.  Matches Impacted by Field Closure or Referee Issues


When closures of venues or facilities impacts scheduled matches, direct and timely communication is critical. Clubs should develop the expectation with their facility partners that field and/or referee issues need to be communicated a minimum of 3 hrs before game time to allow for effective notification of all parties. It is strongly suggested that field coordinators proactively contact venues well ahead of time if conditions put availability in doubt.


         NISL expects that clubs will communicate directly with NISL, coaches and managers with matches impacted by field closures a minimum of 3 hours before kickoff time and will make sure the message is acknowledged in a timely manner.

         Similarly, NISL expects that team managers and coaches will communicate directly with the opposing team to ensure that the information is received - a phone call, text message, or acknowledgement via e-mail is required.

         Communication attempts should continue until it is known that the message is received.

         The league expectation is that all parties will be notified of impacted matches a minimum of 3 hours before kickoff time.

In the event that this rule is not followed, and an away team arrives at a field without this protocol being followed, the team shall forfeit the match (3-0 result) and the club fined $200 (plus referee fees as necessary).


2.7.  Fulfilling League Season

It is NISL's expectation that teams will fulfill the entirety of their schedule for each applicable NISL season. Scheduling outside events (e.g., tournaments) should not come at the expense of fulfilling the league season.


In the event that reschedules for weather or other extraordinary circumstances occur, teams must communicate with each other promptly to determine a suitable reschedule date. Clubs/teams should consult with the NISL office if they have questions about the enforcement of this policy.


In general, teams are to provide at least three options to their opponents for dates that work to reschedule such matches to, and such initiation should happen, at most, within 24 hours of the postponement.

In the event that a team is unresponsive or doesn't fulfill this obligation, the club will be fined



Willful forfeits will result in a fine of $200 for the first offense; $500 for each subsequent offense (by team).

See Rule 4.3 "Fines & Discipline" for more information. Fine receipts (50%) will be shared with affected clubs.

NISL reserves the right to use judgement in the enforcement of this policy. 


Section 3. Game Officials


3.1.  Match Officials


Match officials must be current year U.S.S.F certified referees. The match officials shall consist of the Referee and when applicable two Assistant Referees based on age group

If a match is short one or more Referees, persons may be recruited to assist "running the touch line" but such individuals may only signal when the ball has left the field of play. They may not call offsides or fouls.


3.2.  Assignment of Match Officials


Match officials shall be assigned and paid by the home Club for each match, with the exception of NPL matches that are assigned by NISL directly. Each Club is required to have a current year certified U.S.S.F. Referee Assignor active in the assignment of referees for all NISL games in their Club and listed in their GotSport account. Failure to do so will result in Club sanctions from NISL, including a review of the Club’s continuing membership status within NISL. 


Section 4. League Discipline


4.1.  Disciplinary Issues


The NISL League Office shall have the authority to suspend, fine, disqualify or otherwise impose sanctions on players, team officials or competing Clubs for violating NISL rules or for any action or conduct that is not in the best interest of soccer or the general NISL membership.


4.2.  Red Cards


4.2.1.  Red Card Issued to Player 

If a Red Card is shown to a player, it will result in a minimum of a one (1) game suspension and $100 fine. This includes a Red Card as a result of receiving two cautions. In certain cases, NISL may decide to add to the suspension length.

  Red Card Issued to Adult 

If a Red Card is shown to an adult staff member (e.g., DOC, coach, assistant coach, manager), it will result in a minimum of a one (1) game suspension and $300 fine. This includes a Red Card as a result of receiving two cautions. In certain cases, NISL may decide to add to the suspension length. 


4.2.3.  Red Card Procedure 

A Referee report must be submitted to the NISL League Office within 12 hours of the match. The Referee does not need to retain a player pass (or adult pass, as applicable). Any questions about this process should be directed to the NISL League Office. 


4.2.4.  Serving Suspensions


A player or adult staff member receiving a red card in a League match must serve the suspension in League play. A suspension may not be served in a non-League event. The suspension must be served on the same team in which the red card was issued (for both player and coach).


In the case of a Club Pass ("CP") player receiving a red card, the player must serve the suspension with their primary team.


4.3.  Fines & Discipline


The below fines schedule is in effect which serves as a tool to deter situations that have negative effects on NISL members, Clubs and Teams alike.

Fine receipts (50%) will be shared with the affected club in each situation.


The schedule includes, but is not limited to (all fines billed to Club): 

  • Team No-Show (1st Occurrence-Club)

    Forfeit+ $200 (plus referee fees, as applicable)

    If non-guilty team agrees, the match may be rescheduled, with the cost of the reschedule at the responsibility of the guilty team.


  • Team No-Show (2nd Occurrence*-Club)

    Forfeit+ $500 (plus referee fees, as applicable)

    If non-guilty team agrees, the match may be rescheduled, with the cost of the reschedule at the responsibility of the guilty team.


  • Team Drop After Schedule Release
    (to Clubs
    for self

  • Team Drop After Schedule Release
    (Final Schedule)

  • Team Willful Forfeit
    $200 ($500 for each subsequent offense)

  • Failure to Complete League Schedule
    deduction of 3 points per game not played from teams’ league standings.  Team could be withdrawn from future NISL league play and/or $1,000 performance bond maybe charged to the club.

*Occurrences measured during the applicable soccer year (August I-July 31).


Ineligible Players:

Any player who does not appear on the official NISL Game Card or has a valid US Club Soccer Player Pass issued by the same Club at the time of the match as outlined in 5.1 or an ineligible player per NISL Administrative Rule 1.5 ("Club Pass") shall be considered an ineligible player.


The following discipline will apply:

  1. First Offense: team forfeits all matches in which ineligible player was used. Team coach suspended for the next scheduled match.

  2. Second Offense (by the same coach): Team Head Coach suspended for the remainder of the season. NISL reserves the right to extend suspension into the following season. Club fined $400.

 Multiple offenses by any NISL member club may result in expulsion from NISL.


Section 5. Player Transfers & Recruiting


                       5.1.  Bound to Member Club


Players will be considered members of a club when they have finalized one of the following:


1.  Signed the club registration form, electronic or otherwise.

2.  Paid a commitment fee to register for the upcoming season.

3.  Player is registered with the club in GotSport, added to a team and refresh or purchase has been submitted.


A tryout fee does not register a player to a club, this is merely a fee to tryout.


Players will be bound to the club from the 1st day of their registration (after August 1st) through July 31st.


 5.2.  Player Transfer Process


Players bound to a Member Club can only transfer to a new club during the winter transfer window, December 1st – March 1st.


The following must be done for player transfers:


    Both clubs must fill out their portion of the player transfer form


    The $175 player transfer fee must be paid online.


 Any disagreement regarding a player transfer will be resolved by the NISL League Office.

 The Player Transfer Form will be used for player transfers and both Member Clubs must fill out and sign all parts.


5.3.  Recruiting

NISL’s expectation is that Member Clubs abide by all recruiting policies. Players currently bound to a Member Club per Section 5.2 may not be recruited to join a different NISL Member Club.


5.3.1.  Player Contact Initiated by Adult 

Coaches and adults (including Club personnel, and parents of players) are not allowed to contact any players, or parents/guardians of players, from another NISL Club as long as the player(s) in question are bound to another Club.


5.3.2.  Contact Initiated by Player 

If a player initiates contact with a coach and/or club during the soccer year, the coach and/or club (director, etc.) must ask the player in writing if they are committed to another NISL Club. If so, then the player will be asked to inform their current Club in writing of their intent to try-out for another Club before any further action may be taken, and the current Club must agree in writing to said tryout or training.


5.4.  Player Loans (Events)


Teams are reminded about NISL recruiting rules (Section 5.4). Guest play, for events/tournaments, is permitted, given that Clubs have communicated with each other and the US Club Soccer Player Loan Form is completed by all parties and sent to US Club Soccer. If this does not occur, insurance does not apply for the loaned player. A response is not needed.


Teams may not use loaned players for League matches. 


Section 6. NISL NPL Special Circumstances

For teams and/or clubs participating in the NPL, the rules in Section 6 shall supersede other rules in this document, if there is a conflict. These rules also supersede any other published NPL rules.


6.1.  Governance


The NPL is governed by the Executive Directors.


 6.2.  Code of Ethics


All NPL clubs must sign a code of ethics each year.

6.3.  League Formation


Teams that enter the NPL must have history from the previous soccer year. History is defined as a club having an age-appropriate team that corresponds to the level requested into the NPL


               6.4.  Club Pass


If a Club enters two teams in one single division, players may play on only one team in that division. Once a player is rostered, that player will be frozen for the duration of the competition in that seasonal year.


6.5.  Roster Freeze


Players may not be added to an NPL Roster after 4 NISL NPL Matches.


 6.6.  Recruiting


See Section 5.4 on recruiting rules. 


6.6.1.  Recruiting: Enforcement


Any proven violation of the above will be dealt with by NISL and the Executive Board will be included in dialogue that leads up to any form of  warning or suspension.

All violations must be submitted in writing to NISL that details the rule that was violated. Violations will be reviewed by the Executive Board and if necessary:

   1st Violation -  Written warning from NISL and a written apology from violating club's NPL Director.


   2nd Violation - 1-year suspension of NPL membership


Offending club(s) will be given a 1-week window to appeal any suspension and must contact NISL leadership by email.


Details of the appeal will be shared with the Executive Board and an outcome decided at that level. A decision with regard to an appeal will be considered final.


6.7.  Player Transfers


Section 5.3 will govern player transfers.