Build Out Line

NISL Build Up Line 7U, 8U, 9U & 10U

  • The Build Out Line is used to promote playing the ball out of the back.
  • When the GK has the ball, either during the play or from a goal kick, the opposing team should move behind the build out line.
  • GK can play to ball right way or once the opposing team is behind the build out line
  • NO PUNTING -­‐ GK can pass or throw/roll the ball to a teammate.
  • After the ball is put into play by the GK the opposing team can cross the Build Out Line and play resumes as normal
  • A restart from the GK’s hands or goal kick will take place if the opposition infringes inside the build out.
  • Please follow this like to view how the Build Out Line will work.

Build Out Line FAQ’s

  1. When can the opponents cross the Build Out Line?

o When the ball is in play.

  • Ball is in play when it leaves the GK hands.
  • Ball is in play when the kick by the player taking the Goal Kick.

  1. GK has the ball and drops it to their feet – is the opponent allowed to cross the Build Out Line immediately or after the GK plays it?

o The opponents can cross the Build Out Line when the GK drops the ball to their feet

  1. GK has the ball and drops it to their feet – Is the opponent allowed to cross the Build Out Line even if a teammate has not cleared the Build Out Line; or do all players have to clear before attacking?

o If the GK decides to play quick before the opponent retreats to the Build Out Line then the opponent may play the ball

  1. GK has the ball and plays it to a teammate outside the penalty area –are the opponents allowed to play the ball at the moment the GK plays it to the teammate parallel to the goal box or when the teammate plays it?

o If the GK decides to play quick before the opponent retreats to the Build Out Line then the opponent may play the ball

  1. Goal kick played to a teammate parallel to the goal box, when is the opponent allowed to cross the Build Out Line?

o When the ball is kick by the player taking the Goal Kick, the opponent can cross the Build Out Line


If the players are not technically proficient and the coaches and referees can agree before the game or at half time that the moment opponents can cross the Build Out Line is when the defender first touches the ball. This may be implemented more at the conferences level.

Basically coaches -­‐ If kids are having a hard time starting an attack and connecting one pass you should hold your kids longer. For the players at this lower level they will likely give the ball away pretty soon anyway. Tackling these players before the first pass or touch is made is not helping to grow that game and that is what we are trying to do.